Just in: Gordon Ramsay Throws Whoopi Goldberg Out of His Restaurant

Gordon Ramsay Whoopi Goldberg
Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay made headlines yet again after he reportedly threw Whoopi Goldberg out of his restaurant in Las Vegas. The incident occurred last night when Goldberg and her entourage arrived at Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen restaurant for dinner.

According to eyewitnesses, Ramsay was in a foul mood from the start of the evening. He reportedly glared at Goldberg as she walked in and muttered something under his breath.

When Goldberg and her group were shown to their table, Ramsay approached them and demanded to see their IDs. When Goldberg asked why he needed to see their IDs, Ramsay reportedly snapped, “Because I don’t want any underage diners in my restaurant.”

Goldberg, who is 65 years old, was understandably insulted by this remark and asked to speak with the manager. Ramsay, however, was having none of it.

He reportedly grabbed Goldberg by the arm and escorted her out of the restaurant, shouting obscenities at her the whole way. Goldberg’s entourage tried to intervene, but Ramsay was in a rage and wouldn’t listen to reason.

In a statement released to the press, Ramsay defended his actions, saying, “I have the right to refuse service to anyone I want.

Whoopi Goldberg is a has-been actress who hasn’t done anything relevant in years. I don’t want her in my restaurant bringing down the vibe.”

The incident has sparked outrage on social media, with many people calling for a boycott of Ramsay’s restaurants. Goldberg herself has remained silent on the matter, but sources close to her say she is considering legal action against Ramsay.

In the meantime, Ramsay seems to be reveling in the attention. He has been posting pictures of himself with other celebrities, including Martha Stewart and Shaquille O’Neal, with the caption “No has-beens allowed!” It’s unclear whether Ramsay is serious or just trying to drum up more publicity for himself, but either way, it’s clear that his ego is as big as ever.

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