In this town, all 6,000 residents live on the same street – and it looks as strange as you think

There’s a quaint, charming element to life when you reside in a village or small town.

I mean the sort of place where almost everyone knows almost everyone else. First-name greetings are considered the norm, there’s a local watering hole for people to gather, and probably a handful of other buildings including a post office, a funeral directors, and some sort of store.

My point is, sometimes it’s nice to share the sense of a tight-knit community with others. It’s not for everyone, mind, but as humans there appear to be quite a lot of us who enjoy living as part of a flock as opposed to being out in the sticks on our own.

That said, I wonder how many people can honestly say they’d like to live in a town where all of the residents live on the same street!

Well, that’s the case for the residents of a village in Europe that achieved viral status on Twitter earlier this month after an aerial photo was uploaded to social media.

Incredibly, all of the 6,000 residents of the village of Sułoszowa, located in southern Poland, live along a single nine kilometer stretch of street.

The village has reportedly been dubbed “Little Tuscany” due to its layout, and as of 2017 had a population of 5,819, according to CSO Poland.

Credit / Shutterstock – Olivier Uchmanski

It’s said that each house on the street has a long strip of land that comes with it, which inhabitants use for a range of different things including farming and the housing of animals.

After people took notice of the strange, yet definitely beautiful aerial shots, residents of Sułoszowa responded by explaining what it was like to live there.

“I wouldn’t trade this place for anything else. It has its own charm and atmosphere. As the saying goes, there’s something about it,” one said.

“The whole place looks the same: there is a house and then a strip of field, hence the beauty of the photos. One has grain, the other has rapeseed, and the third has something else. The colors look beautiful from above.”

Credit / Shutterstock – Olivier Uchmanski

A second image was reportedly posted on Reddit, accompanied by a question regarding whether the strips of land that fan out from the village are the property of each house on the street.

Someone responded: “I just showed this to my Polish friend and he said yes!”

They continued: “Each house has that strip of land to do whatever on, hence different colours and they are using the land for different purposes. Some grow crops on it, others have animals, some just leave it.

“I said I didn’t believe him but he says it’s true.”

What an incredibly peculiar arrangement. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a village like this before.

Have you? Let us know in the comments box if you have.

Meanwhile, share this article on Facebook so more people can weigh in on the matter.

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