If you spot these mysterious black dots in your kitchen, you had better know what they mean

Besides for chatting, connecting with friends, and posting images, social media sites, Facebook and Reddit in particular, are a good place when people need advice regarding various issues.

Recently, a mom posted a series of images of peculiar black specks along her skirting board and wall on a Mrs. Hinch fan page and asked fellow users if they had any idea what those specks might be.

Anyone have any idea what this is?” the mom asked. “Just appeared this last week or so on the skirting board in my dining room, also bits on the wallpaper and the floor which gets mopped every day! It’s not bumpy, it looks like some sort of paint splatter but it isn’t,” her post continued.

As always, the netizens didn’t disappoint. Many provided answers of what those strange specks could be.

Some were convinced the photos posted showed flies’ poo and others claimed it was spiders’ poo.

“It happens a lot this time of year, spiders pooing everywhere, Dettox spray is good for it,” one person commented. “It’s spider poo after they’ve eaten flies. I get it on my window sill,” another added.

Spiders often find their ways into people’s homes but they are not considered to be invasive pests. What’s most, some spiders are even known to be beneficial as they act as a natural insecticide.

And, of course, as any other living creature, spiders do poop, but do you know what their poop looks like?

Well, spider feces are more like highly viscous liquids with a dark appearance and resemble a paint splatter.

In addition to poop, some spiders create something known as a “bolus”, which is essentially an indigestible ball of the carcasses of their prey or a webbing they ate unintentionally. These look like white balls of mangled insect parts.

It’s important to note that spiders’ droppings aren’t toxic, but if not removed immediately, they are hard to get rid of and can seriously stain the furniture, upholstery, fabric, and walls.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

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