Who has the biggest boobs in the world? Fetish model with backbreaking 102ZZ bazoombas

Norma Stitz, as Annie Hawkins-Turner, has the most significant breasts in the globe at a whopping 102ZZZ. She was born in Atlanta, Ga in 1956 and became popular as a fetish product. Her late spouse, Allen Turner, insisted that she start a web site devoted to displaying her enormous pecs.

For the reason that of her illness, gigantomastia, Annie’s breasts are so large and major that they weigh an astounding nine stone. She didn’t start out receiving breasts right until she was 5, and by the time she was nine, she experienced a complete 36D. She was unable to breastfeed any of her children. Annie mentioned she didn’t want to get breast reduction operation due to the fact her again muscle mass assisted her out during her rapid development.

Her breasts earned her a Guinness Entire world Report, a legion of adoring lovers, and an annual salary of $40,000. At present, she is really worth £5.5 million. Annie talks about how the consistent scrutiny and bullying she endures as a successful female has an emotional toll on her and her child, and how she remembers remaining teased as a teen for her large breasts.

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