8 Body Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of

Warning symptoms that your body is displaying that you need to be aware of

Our bodies share information about everything that occurs with us. It provides information about our health. When we have health issues, our bodies produce signals to notify us.

We’ll identify eight cues our bodies are giving us to be aware of.

Yellow is appearing on the skin.

Skin yellowing brought on by jaundice can be a sign of liver illness. Our bodies are unable to get rid of bilirubin because of high quantities. The outcome is that the skin and eye whites are yellow.

Nails with white dots

If you’ve ever had white specks on your nails, it might have happened accidentally. If not, it can be a sign of a protein, calcium, or zinc deficiency.

Sores on the lips

Blisters or cracks may develop as a result of dehydration. But, you might be using the incorrect lipstick.

Clubbed fingernails can also be a sign of digestive issues in addition to chronic lung disease. If untreated, nails grow and bend downward.

Sores on the lips

Internal mouth ulcers may develop as a result of mental stress or hormonal changes. You should take vitamin B-12 if you are deficient in it because it can also cause sores.

White pimples on the upper eyelids

Styes are the white nodules that appear on your eyelids. They could develop around your eyelashes if you have dry skin or diabetes.

There is a ring surrounding your cornea.

Arcus senilis, or fat deposits, are the grey or white ring that surrounds your cornea. While it is common in the elderly due to their advanced age, its presence in your eyes can signify excessive cholesterol levels.

The tongue is excessively red.

An infection or vitamin deficiency may be indicated by a bright red tongue. The color of the language could also alter due to oral herpes.

Have any of these things happened to you? Please comment about your experience with treatment.

Varicose Veins

38year old woman with pain, heaviness, and swelling at the end of the day despite the use of compression hose. She underwent Closurefast RFA of the great saphenous veins with two sessions of branch vein sclerotherapy. She reported prompt resolution of her symptoms and the veins faded away over several months.

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