Sally Field claims that Burt Reynolds ‘created’ her as the love of his life: ‘I was not.’

In the world of Hollywood romances, few have been as complicated and publicly scrutinized as the relationship between Sally Field and Burt Reynolds. Their love story, or perhaps, their lack thereof, has been a subject of fascination for decades. In this article, we’ll delve into the intriguing dynamics of their connection, shedding light on the contrasting perspectives of Field and Reynolds.

The “Love” That Wasn’t
Burt Reynolds, the charismatic Hollywood icon, publicly declared Sally Field as the love of his life in 2015, just three years before his passing. He expressed profound regret for not making their on-screen romance, which began on the set of the 1977 film “Smokey and the Bandit,” translate into a real-life love story. Reynolds often spoke about how much he missed Field.

However, Sally Field’s perspective on their relationship was markedly different. In a recent interview, she candidly stated, “He was not someone I could be around. He was simply not right for me in any way.” Field, who was 75 at the time of the interview, went on to claim that Reynolds had somehow convinced himself that she was more important to him than she actually was. She expressed her reluctance to deal with this skewed perception.

A Memoir Unveils the Truth
The publication of Field’s memoir, “In Pieces,” in September 2018, just days after Reynolds’ passing, provided a deeper insight into their complicated relationship. In her book, Field portrayed Reynolds as a dominating and abusive figure in her life. She didn’t shy away from discussing his drug use, revealing that he used substances like Percodan, Valium, and barbiturates during the filming of “Smokey and the Bandit.”

Field and Reynolds dated on and off for five years and collaborated on four films. Looking back, Field reflected that her relationship with Reynolds was, in a way, an attempt to recreate the dynamics she had experienced with her stepfather, Jock Mahoney. She revealed in her book that Mahoney, a stuntman and actor, had sexually assaulted her until she was 14, making her relationship with Reynolds a complex emotional journey.

Unveiling the Real Sally Field
Field’s decision to write candidly about her connection with Reynolds in her memoir, a project that spanned seven years, was driven by the belief that she might never publish it. Her revelations provided a glimpse into the personal struggles and challenges she faced, both in her relationship with Reynolds and in her career in Hollywood.

A Remarkable Career
Sally Field’s career in Hollywood has been nothing short of remarkable. She rose to fame on television as Gidget in 1965 but faced disappointment during her years as the Flying Nun from 1967 to 1970. However, she persevered and yearned for more significant roles in films. She emphasized that her journey in Hollywood was marked by adversity and the need to survive in both pleasant and unpleasant situations.

Despite the challenges, Field’s career soared, with standout performances in films like “Norma Rae” (1979) and “Places in the Heart” (1984), both of which earned her Academy Awards. She didn’t shy away from addressing issues of sexual harassment and compensation disparities that were prevalent in the industry during her time.

The Oscars Speech
Field’s controversial Oscars speech for her role in “Places in the Heart” is another aspect of her career that has been widely discussed. She famously said, “You like me. You really like me,” a line that has been misquoted over the years. Field clarified that her intention was to express her gratitude for being appreciated as an actress, but the misquotation persists.

Sally Field’s life and career have been marked by resilience, talent, and a willingness to confront difficult truths. Her relationship with Burt Reynolds, though complex, offers a glimpse into the personal struggles of two Hollywood legends. Field’s openness about her experiences has shed light on the challenges faced by many in the entertainment industry.

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