Mom shares video of her baby girl, but some viewers are outraged after spotting small detail

Until they reach certain age, it is the parents who make decisions on behalf of their children. The truth is, however, that the society and the people you are surrounded with will not always find those decisions to be the right ones.

Nowadays, moms and dads out there are quick to post videos and photos of their little ones, with some even operating social media accounts of their children where they update followers of the lives of their bundles of joy.

Lara, who is now 4 months old, is already a huge star on the social platform TikTok.

Her mom shares plenty of photos and videos of Lara which people love. However, a recent photo which was intended to show how much Lara grew up since day one led to harsh criticism and the opinions are divided.

Namely, Lara’s mom posted a photo of the girl from the day she was born, and one detail attracted the attention of many. Despite being just 24 hours old, she had her tiny ears pierced and that enraged many and left them pretty concerned.

Of course, there were also those who stood by Lara’s mom’s side and explained that this is quite normal in some cultures, while others said that piercing the ears of a one-day-old baby was just wrong and that the mom should have waited for the child to be old enough to make that decision by herself.

“I just do not get it. And it hurts just like when they are older! Don’t kid yourself,” one person wrote. “It’s their decision if they want their ears pierced, or is it? I’m going to let my babies decide when they understand these things,” another added.

Once she read all of the comments, Lara’s mom decided to speak of her decision to have her daughter’s ears pierced.

“When you get your ear pierced when you are 2 or 3 days old, you don’t feel pain like when you are 1 or 2 years old. The holes are made by the neonatologists themselves in the hospital at birth,” she explained.

You can take a look at the video which caused quite a stir below.

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