Woman Gives Birth to a Healthy Baby Boy after 16 Years and 18 Miscarriages

Starting a family is the ultimate goal that each and every couple strives to achieve. But, there oftentimes can be some obstacles along the way. That’s what happened to Louise Warneford and her husband Mark when they decided to start a family back in 1999.

Louise was 32-years-old at that time, she was living in Swindon, England, and despite her being pretty consistent in trying to conceive, her attempts didn’t run into any luck. She was unable to conceive. But, as we said earlier, Louise is a persistent woman who knows what she wants. So, after more than 15 years and almost 20 miscarriages, she managed to conceive. Now, she is a proud mom of a beautiful baby boy named William.

Her husband, now a 55-year-old man, and she had spent over 100 000 dollars on IVF treatments. Mark had previously undergone a vasectomy, so, they decided to try the more expensive treatments in order to increase their chances.

Doctors couldn’t find any problems with Louise, but she couldn’t have a baby. Namely, she would lose the baby after the 14th week of her pregnancy. In an interview for the “Daily Mail” Louise stated that she would get her hopes up each and every time she would see that she is pregnant. But, unfortunately, she would miscarry each and every time. So, that was the reason why they decided to try IVF, and despite the fact that she would get pregnant a couple of times, they would lose the baby again and again.

But, as with everything in life, just when they decided to stop trying and give up, they reached a breakthrough. Namely, a doctor found out that Louise had some killer cells inside of her body. This meant that these cells and her body were killing the embryos.

After this breakthrough, Louise managed to get pregnant. After 37 weeks of pregnancy, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy via C-section. 

She got really emotional at the moment she got to hold her son, who wouldn’t. She was thrilled that she finally got to hold her baby boy in her hands, she couldn’t believe that it was a reality. Louise stated that being a mom is the best job that life could ever offer. 

Watch the video down below and learn more about the message Louise is trying to spread and her story. 

There are millions of people who just can’t have babies, I am glad that Louise and Mark didn’t stop trying and did everything in their power to have a baby. And, finally, they got one. Make sure to share this fantastic story with your friends, and don’t forget to comment on your thoughts down below. 

Please share this story with your friends and family and help make them smile today.

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