Woman’s Facebook Post Goes Viral After Burger King Employee Does This At The Drive-thru

A Texan named Rebecca Boening, claimed that when she pulled up to the drive-thru window, she had difficulty placing her order. Boening was shocked to see the Burger King employee leave her job so quickly after admitting she had diabetes.

Please read her comment below if you have the time.

Wednesday afternoon I was driving west on I-40 when my blood sugar dropped to a dangerous level.

Luckily a Burger King restaurant was at the upcoming exit. As I stumbled through placing my order I mentioned to the voice on the speaker that I was diabetic and in need of food.

Low blood sugar makes it difficult to think or act. I pulled up to the first window in order to pay for my food. I was shocked to see Burger King employee Tina Hardy running toward the front of my car.

She squeezed between the front of my car and the building just to bring me a small serving of ice cream.

Tina later explained that her husband was also diabetic and she could tell that I needed help. After paying I pulled up to Tina’s window where she gave me my food.

She instructed me to park across the driveway so that she could keep an eye on me until I felt better.

After my meal, I waited for a lull in activity so that I could go back to Tina’s window. After taking this photo, I spoke with Tina’s boss and thanked him for everything.

Long-time Burger King employee Tina Hardy is deserving of much more praise from the general public and top management.

It’s wonderful to witness such a kind deed between two people at a time when the news concentrates on all the negative things happening in the world.

Please SHARE this story if you value the work done by this remarkable lady.

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